welcome. this is about what we do. enjoy.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

It was so nice to hang out in the park and catch up with Riff. A tiny bit of Portland sunshine even came along... and the roses are beginning to bloom.

yumm! avacado.

It seems easier every day for Oren to grab and hold on to objects. He really likes this toy in particular. There is a little wooden ball inside that rattles around.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

so this photo is a couple months old, but I realized lucy still needed a little representation on the blog. Think of something you love to do more than anything...multiply that happy feeling times ten thousand...now you have some idea of how much lucy loves the beach!

5 months & first taste of cereal!

Oren has been watching us eat so carefully the last few weeks, seeming very interested. So after he turned 5 months on Sunday, we thought it might be time to try a little rice cereal. I mixed up a little bit, and he got so excited with the spoon. By the time he had a couple bites, he was demanding more, and not even spitting it back out. I think he was ready!
Thanks for the super-cute bib Katalin! It's nice to be able to wipe down the leather.

Friday, May 7, 2010

oren is a serious pacifier fan.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

bath time!

oren really seems to love being in the water. I suppose he takes after his mom that way.