welcome. this is about what we do. enjoy.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

decorating the tree!

oren was such a good helper! until he realized it's just as fun to pull ornaments OFF as to put them on the tree. :-)

Saturday, November 26, 2011

a few fun things...

Mt. hood harvest festival - late October

to say oren likes tractors right now would be a gross understatement.

ditto with trains... this is on the portland streetcar.

In early november we spent a long weekend at the coast...

oren's 1st taste of apple pie - even though he's been talking about apple pie since we went apple picking in October. so cute to hear him say 'apple pie'. he really liked it. :-)

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


so... i'm a little overdue on a post...big big apologies. seems like i can't get caught up on so many things. but i know you all understand, right? :-\
we are prepping for a great thanksgiving with family and friends this year, although i'm feeling rather bittersweet - missing my own family so so much lately. i wish fun times and full bellies to all...and wish we could all be together.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

hanging out at home

oren sometimes says 'nice' when we sit back in the chairs. just like his momma does. :-)

Saturday, August 20, 2011

love the cousins!

we just spent a weekend in manzanita with the rest of the gelbrichs. nathan and aidan were so amazing with oren...so very sweet and patient and willing to play with him. they are such good boys and oren was so taken with them.

a little frisbee on the beach

tired after the long weekend.

camping along the nestucca river

After two 'failed' attempts in this area last year, we finally made it work. This trip was great - the weather was beautiful and edward, amy and annik were able to join us. so fun!

edward & annik - in for a swim

lucy chasing sticks.

best thing about camping - tent pillow fight!! :-)

I'm looking forward to our next trip over labor day with shem, noelle and elijah.

one more...

he's just growing up so fast.

summer fun

it's been a busy summer - but lots of fun time spent with friends and family.

happy day.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

wallowa lake

i've been hoping to visit this area again since i was in wallowa county doing the courthouse assessments several years ago.

deer in our campsite!!

helping ian pick up firewood

i had to fight him for my share!

oren & ian fishing

pool party!

helping sarah fill the pool while house & dog sitting for Ron and Peggy. this was so much fun! oren had a ball belly-flopping into the pool. he would throw out a ball or frisbee as an excuse to get out of the pool, throw it back in, and then dive in on top of it. he even came up laughing after getting a face-full of water several times.

the way lucy is eyeing oscar's ball, i guess it was a goner from the start

such a cute photo of oscar... do you think the dogs want something?

oren and elijah hanging out in the bottom of the bookcase


and helping to water nannie's 'wowers', as oren says

bagby hot springs

beautiful hike into the hot springs...only a little over a mile and along this gorgeous creek.

oren relaxin' in the tub. we actually had to add cold water, as the water direct from the spring is SO hot! speaking of hot -- oren says "ho" now, just dropping the 't'. He can't quite get the last sound of most words yet. but it's so cute!

the walk back to the car

first cinnamon rolls!

oren helping nannie make her special morning cinnamon rolls. there will be many more mornings like this in his future.