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Sunday, April 24, 2011

happy easter!

there just hasn't been enough time the past few weeks. we've had quite a lot happening, and at the same time dealing with a never-ending spring cold (passed around between all three of us). but this weekend gave us a little time. Saturday was an amazingly beautiful day - the sun was shining and we had a nice drive to ian's parent's house. Spent a relaxing evening playing with the dogs and hanging out outside. Oren is obsessed with water these days - in it's every form. As you can see from this photo, pouring water from containers is his current favorite activity, regardless of temperature (the water or the air outside). Luckily nannie is super smart and filled the bowls with warm water. :-)
and a side note...you can barely see it in this picture, but nannie and papa bought oren the CUTEST little adirondack chair to sit between their own chairs on the west porch. so sweet. oren loves to back his way into it, and perch on the edge. it will be perfect for our visits this summer.

again - it's all about the water. bath time is happy time.

just playing with the dogs. poor lucy - when we were leaving this evening we found a serious cut on her leg. to play it safe we took her in to dove lewis (the local animal hospital) to get checked out. apparently the wound is a puncture - 5 INCHES DEEP! i'm so glad we took her in. luckily it missed all vital organs (coming close to her spine), and seems to be a clean wound. close call!

Monday, April 4, 2011


Oren is loving lucy so much these days. He is constantly giving her hugs and pets. and he's figured out how to climb up on our (low-to-the-floor) bed to give her hugs on his own.

Unfortunately oren and I are home today. he's sick with a fever and cough. He's definitely feeling better today - much more energy and fever is down a bit. Yesterday it was up to 103 at one point. poor little guy... we're checking in with the dr. today too, so that will make me feel better. :-)

Friday, April 1, 2011

oren reading daddy a story

oren is loving books these days. he'll go to the shelf and pick out several to read with me, or sometimes he just sits down alone and enjoys them by himself. i sure hope we can give oren the gift of a passion for reading. he's also really into our iphones right now, so i guess this could go either way....

oren and ian after our less-than-successful camping trip last weekend.