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Monday, May 9, 2011

minus the pacifier...

and my baby isn't such a baby anymore! is it just me, or doesn't he look like a little BOY in these two photos. ...sigh......

this one really gets me.

San Diego trip

Last weekend we had some fun in the sun, let me tell you! Oren got his first chance to swim around in a pool, and we certainly enjoyed a break from the wet oregon spring we've been having. Intending to surprise Ian's sister, the full Gelbrich clan descended on southern california. We can't thank Ian's aunt and uncle enough for hosting us, in grand style, no less, and we hope to return the favor someday soon (although at this point I'm not sure what would possess them to visit our rain-soaked state...well, perhaps a little pinot noir....and maybe a son at the UofO). :-) It's always nice to be home, of course, but I have to say, this trip made me reconsider our choice of residence, if even for a moment....

Nannie and Papa hanging out with O in Old Town.

and more pool time...