welcome. this is about what we do. enjoy.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

hanging out at home

oren sometimes says 'nice' when we sit back in the chairs. just like his momma does. :-)

Saturday, August 20, 2011

love the cousins!

we just spent a weekend in manzanita with the rest of the gelbrichs. nathan and aidan were so amazing with oren...so very sweet and patient and willing to play with him. they are such good boys and oren was so taken with them.

a little frisbee on the beach

tired after the long weekend.

camping along the nestucca river

After two 'failed' attempts in this area last year, we finally made it work. This trip was great - the weather was beautiful and edward, amy and annik were able to join us. so fun!

edward & annik - in for a swim

lucy chasing sticks.

best thing about camping - tent pillow fight!! :-)

I'm looking forward to our next trip over labor day with shem, noelle and elijah.

one more...

he's just growing up so fast.

summer fun

it's been a busy summer - but lots of fun time spent with friends and family.

happy day.