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Thursday, June 17, 2010


We had our appt. with Dr. Chrissie today and the official stats are in:
6 months + 1 day
19lbs - 2 oz weight
27" long
So while these numbers are good, Oren has dropped from the 90th percentile to the 75th in both categories (he only grew 1/2" in length - unless her measuring was off last time). So I'm not sure what to think of that...our doctor wasn't at all worried, so I suppose I shouldn't be either. Perhaps I should be happy he's closer to the average now. But we have the green light for supplementing with more solid food, a half-cup per day, and more if he wants it. He has yet to tell me he is full, so we'll see if we hit his limit.

Also, here is a little video I took just before he fell asleep tonight. He is such a happy boy...how did ian and i get so lucky?!!

1 comment:

  1. omgosh six months already! he's doing great don't sweat his height :)
