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Sunday, August 22, 2010

Camping Trip #2!

we realized this number of camping trip experiences relate to both oren and to lucy. I have to admit oren did better this time, but it totally wasn't lucy's fault. A group of kids decided it would be fun to set off fireworks over the lake. No, we didn't enjoy them along with the rest of the campers - we were busy trying to pry lucy off the roof of the tent. poor thing is terrified of fireworks...we even contemplated packing up and driving home. luckily the kids must not have had much of a fireworks budget. thankfully, oren slept through the entire thing.
terrified puppy aside...the weekend was a relative success.

of course nothing went as planned:
Lost Lake turned into Laurence Lake - both on the flanks of Mt. Hood. unfortunately Ron and Peggy decided to take us up on the offer of driving up to camp with us...but we thought Ron was working so didn't relay the change in campsite. They drove all around Lost lake with not a sign of us - cuz we weren't there!!! (they apparently "had a nice drive, and bought lots of fruit" - insert me feeling terrible!!!) ...next time.
can anyone say WINDY? we of course chose a site fairly well shielded from the wind, but whew! did it blow. and crazy tent neighbors were getting a kick out of burning every tiny ash-generating piece of groundcover...grrr...
several atypical food mishaps this time:
meatballs for dinner! - totally burnt in the fire = inedible.
pita bread stuffed with roasted veggies! - chipmunk stole the pita.
blueberry pancakes for breakfast! - forgot the pancake mix.
sunday AM brought rain, and since we weren't crazy about repeating our previous day's breakfast of oatmeal, we packed up quickly and headed into Hood River for a tasty breakfast at Bette's Place.
of course the s'mores worked just fine. yum!
and ian's idea of brie warmed in the fire was yummy with the fresh baked bread we brought from home.

a few photos from our adventure:

goodness i love this laugh.

our brand spankin' new tent/palace.

from the inside...sooo spacious! and ian can stand fully upright!! i say - this height is necessary for bouncing a baby to sleep.

good morning.

oren can hold his own bottle now

tasty breakfast
someone (me) forgot the pancake mix...always have a back-up plan.

we try to keep a regular nap schedule...totally worked, he slept for 2+ hours!

sticking his tongue out at me.

first time fishing (for oren)!!

keeping lucy busy..when she's not swimming.

1 comment:

  1. oh my gosh i love the food disaster stories!! - especially since it looks like you guys had a great time in spite of it. i cannot wait to go camping, somehow this summer has slipped away from us. maybe next year you guys can show us the ropes. i'll bring the pancake mix!
