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Sunday, October 17, 2010

red, red wine (or otherwise known as the garriott family beach weekend)

who knew the washington coast could be so nice! (just kidding) we spent a fantastic weekend in ocean shores, at this sweet little beach house adjacent to a wildlife reserve. It was such a peaceful location, with tons of birds and small animals darting about. and every morning four or five deer came strolling past the house...they weren't in the least bit frightened. well, until lucy caught sight and decided it would be a fun race...luckily she turned right around and came back when i called her. whew! in all honesty she wouldn't know what to do if by some miracle she actually caught up with a deer. she would be terrified!

of course...we ate well. a crab feast by sam, with a terrific beet and goat cheese salad, corn on the cob, and quinoa on the side. and especially yummy - grand marnier ice cream layered with peaches for dessert! what a treat!

so the theme here was relax - we even napped on saturday afternoon!

anyway...a few pictures:
this is the wildlife reserve. a trail led from the house through this reserve to the beach. as flat and open as this seems...i think getting off the trail could lead to trouble in no time. the dunes were just high enough to loose sight of any structure, and there seemed to be no natural way-finding markers. we stuck to the trail.

oren and aunt sam playing on the sofa

getting kisses before bed from aunt carol


dave, sam, carol and oren (where was charley?)

thanks to sam and carol and dave and charley (and ian too!!) for making this weekend so wonderful. we had fun.

1 comment:

  1. That's a great hat you're wearing. Oren really looks like you in that picture, so sweet!
