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Thursday, March 17, 2011

oren's school & current stats

In case you're interested, Roots was featured today in a blog about educating young children. Oren isn't mentioned directly, but you can see some photos and read about how he spends his day. I love this place. link:

We also had oren's 15 mo. well-child visit today with dr. chrissie. and he had his first full-on melt down in public (if her office counts as public--we were the only ones there). for some reason he really hates getting dressed/undressed right now. I guess one good side...i don't think he even noticed the vaccine shot as he was already so mad. :-(
i'm sure hoping it's a phase... whew. a short phase.

otherwise all is great. He's 26 1/2 lbs., and unfortunately i didn't catch his length as i was distracted by the screaming. that boy's got some pipes. sorry i don't have any new photos tonight...i'll get some this weekend.

1 comment:

  1. i love the post on oren's daycare! it looks awesome and i love that banana story.

    i am SURE the dressing thing is a phase :) but you know that!
